6. Folk Beliefs

6.1 Mazu Belief and Customs

Mazu, the Chinese sea goddess, is a prominent figure in maritime communities. Mazu worship involves elaborate rituals and festivals, demonstrating the strong connection between coastal communities and the sea goddess. Pilgrimages to Mazu temples are common, especially in regions with a significant fishing tradition.

6.2 Guang Yu

Guang Yu, a historical figure deified as the God of War, is revered for his loyalty and righteousness. Worship of Guang Yu is prevalent, particularly among martial artists and those seeking protection and success. Temples dedicated to Guang Yu are widespread across China.

6.3 Ancestral Worship and Rituals

Ancestral worship is a fundamental aspect of Chinese folk beliefs. Families pay homage to their ancestors through rituals, offerings, and ceremonies. Ancestral tablets, often displayed in dedicated ancestral halls, symbolize the connection between the living and the deceased, reinforcing familial ties and honoring the legacy of past generations.


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